July 31, 2023

Should You Loan Money to Friends and Family?!

Should You Loan Money to Friends and Family?!

Loaning money to family and friends can be seen as a generous act when they're caught in a financial crunch. However, such acts often come with a caveat - they tend to ruin relationships. If you're diligent about saving money, it's probable that your...

Loaning money to family and friends can be seen as a generous act when they're caught in a financial crunch. However, such acts often come with a caveat - they tend to ruin relationships. If you're diligent about saving money, it's probable that your friends and family members will be aware of this fact, even if your lifestyle isn't extravagant. Consequently, you may find yourself being viewed as a potential provider of funds for others' financial emergencies or poor financial planning. In this episode, we'll guide you on navigating these tricky discussions and share our insights drawn from objectively monitoring such loans.

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Although this show does not provide specific tax, legal, or financial advice, you can engage Devin or John through their individual firms. 

Contact Devin’s team at https://www.carrolladvisory.com/ 

Contact John’s team at https://www.rossandshoalmire.com/